Friday, June 25, 2010

Launch of Canadian Journal of Male Education (c)*

The purposes of this "e-journal" are
  1. to conduct original research into the education of males globally, starting with Canada,
  2. to conduct secondary research into the various research projects focussing on male education in Canada and globally
  3. to generate, foster and  enhance the dialogue about the education of males in all countries and cultures
  4. to promote the issues inherent in best practices in male education
  5. to educate interested learners in the issues of male education, including its history, failures, successes, pedagogies, philosophies, sociologies, politics, ethics, and budgeting proposals
  6. to raise funds from public and private sources to enable the above purposes to be accomplished
Whereas, it is clear that male students in elementary, secondary and post-secondary educational institutions in North America are achieving below their potential, individually, and collectively;
And whereas there are currently no specific courses in Male Studies in any colleges or universities in North America, with few minor exceptions, some as adjuncts of Female Studies Departments;
And whereas the public discourse about issues in male education at all levels is limited at best, at worse, non-existent,
And whereas the universities in North America have seen a dramatic shift in gender enrollments in all Liberal Arts programs at the undergraduate level, from near parity of the genders, to a 60-40 split favouring females, and at the graduate school levels in a similar direction;
And whereas faculties of Medicine, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Veterinary Medicine, among others, are increasingly populated by female students, at both undergraduate and graduate levels;
And Whereas, the male drop-out rate far exceeds the female drop-out rate at all levels of the education continuum, depending on the legal age of school leaving in each jurisdiction;

Now therefore, this journal seeks to bring into the spotlight, the implications of these startling trends, with a view to dimishing their negative impacts on individual male learning requirements, on various professional colleges and sectors, and on the society generally;
It also seeks to solicit sponsorships for scholarships, bursaries and awards to generate research, additional scholarship of both an academic and a practical nature, that will enhance the further education of male learners, at all stages of their lives;
The CJME also seeks to host conferences, seminars, colloquia both in a face-to-face mode and through the publication of its findings in hard copy and in digital mode;
The CJME also seeks to reduce the drop-out rates of male learners, encourage their continuing their formal and informal education and foster an enhanced participation of male students and scholars in public policy debate over the education of male learners.

This publication, and research project solicits names of potential advisors, counsellors, fund-raisers, scholar-patrons, and potential financial sponsors.
It aims to operate as a non-profit educational trust under the terms of Canada Revenue Agency.
* (copyright, The Acorn Centre, 2010)

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